We’re in the process of making a feature film. It’s called “Going Viral” and is set to be produced (principal photography) this November. The film takes place in the 80’s and is about a 14-year-old boy, Beckett O’Connell, who taps into technology of the future and captures the popularity he’s craved. But tapping into Artificial Intelligence of the future in the 1980’s provides some challenges of its own that Beckett isn’t prepared for.
The project is now in the late development stage. For GFP (we have most of the crew in place), specifically that consists of funding and identifying talent.
We’re about 75% of the funding that’s needed to move to pre-production. By the end of this month, we hope to have met our funding goal. There’s also the talent that we’re looking to add. Since it’s set in the 80’s, it’s been fun talking to popular actors from popular 80’s movies in looking to get them attached to the project. I’ll let you imagine a lot of them!
Here’s the Instagram page too for the project –
Of course, if you’re looking to help fund the project, please do! If you know of others who might be, please share the link above with them. We’d love for you to be included – it’s going to be a lot of fun!